We hope the internet allows us to show them to the world. If we are successful in our attempt many more pictures will come later on.
The first picture is taken this morning illustrating how enthusiastic Maria is when she washes our clothes (enthusiasm is here measured by the quantity of water on her shirt).
Second picture is of our room. In the lower left corner are the “cooking facilities” we were promised (the green gas-thing made in China) and right above it is our “washing machine”. Above the mirror is our “photo album” and to the right is “our office”. Our “bedroom” is in the lower left corner illustrated by a mosquito net.
Picture number three is from our first week in Jimma, showing me doing the laundry. Maria found it amusing, so she took a picture. Tsk tsk.
Number four is from once we went to another teacher’s house to see “the Coffee Ceremony”. The lady in blue has (without the parents knowing of course) been his girlfriend for the last six years. The younger lady to the left is his fourteen year old sister who does the cooking in the house.
Two weeks ago there was a marriage at the house we live at. The parents of the bride got a sheep (well… I would like to have a pet-sheep too), we named it “Birger”. Unfortunately Birger’s stay here was short, before they ate him. Anyways, the picture is from the night I went to the toilet and almost started screaming because someone, somehow had forced Birger to spend his night there. Yes, it did feel odd to pee right next to a sheep. I managed to protect myself.
Number six is just a picture of Maria on her way home from the school. Just to show you all how blue the sky is and how red the roads are.
The last and seventh picture is Maria happily doing the dishes. Our food storage is in the background. When we came we had one single-use knife, two forks, one pan and some other spare necessities.
Hey Hey!
It's really good to see pics of u both, smiling and seeming to be having a great time.
It encourages me even more to volunteer after school.
miss u two. good luck!!
Vitor - RCNUWC
Hi Aske and Maria, It's good to see you getting the chance to update the blog! everything there sounds very familiar. Especially the goat...
Some news for you: I will be coming to ethiopia for the winter Break and plan to pass through Jimma on my way to gambella Province. Will you be around? I could visit either on my way south or on my way back to Addis. keep blogging! Speak to you soon. Pete
I am so happy that you're alive!! and it seems to me that you are enjoying yourself and having fun, wich of course is a bonus:) I am very impressed with both of you, keep up the good work!
ta det försiktigt, take care
Kære Aske og Maria
Det er vældig godt med billeder. Så er det nemmere for at at danne os et indtryk af vilkårene. Jeg er specielt begejstret for geden.
Et råd fra den ene engelsklærer til den anden: lad være med at have for mange forskellige kriterier at vurdere efter, for så har I ikke opnået at gøre Jeres arbejde lettere for Jer selv. Jeg nøjes med to: indhold og sprog. De to punkter opsummeres i slutningen af opgaven. I opgaven sætter jeg streger under to typer af fejl: kongruensfejl og stavefejl - men fejltyperne kan jo være temmelig anderledes i Etiopien. Jeg er også ret fascineret af moderen, der er krigshøvding.
Og lad være med at lave for lange kommentarer, for der er ingen elever, der kan overskue alt for mange. Så mister de helt modet (det gør de nu ofte også alligevel).
Held og lykke med arbejdet. Jeg er ikke misundelig på det engelskniveau, Jeres elever udviser.
Askes mor
Dear Aske and Maria,
I am so happy and proud to see how serious you are about the teaching. And be sure that Ingeline soon will post a comment to your description.
Have a nice time down there and see you soon.
Hej Aske!
Super side, I har fået lavet! -Dejligt st følge med i, hvad der sker hos jer.
Alt er vel i Ringsted. Til marts bliver familien udviddet med en ny lille tot :-)
Pas godt på jer selv
KH Thyra
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