was a new school and not that many people knew about it. It seemed like a very nice school and both Aske and I were a bit jealous of the class sizes. At the moment Eldan is experiencing hard competition from private schools around Jimma. When Eldan first started out, it was practically the only private school, but now new ones are starting up everywhere (9 schools have started up in the past 6 years) and offering the teachers better salaries. This means that many of the best teachers have now left Eldan and put it under hard pressure to
raise the teachers' salaries.
The family we're livng at is drying a lot of chilli at the moment. They use it for a special Ethiopian spice called Berberi. In the background you can see Maria washing clothes.
Christmas! Here you can see the adventskrans in action.
The family of one of the Danes, Mads, who had come to visit him on Cristmas. Here they are visiting us at Eldan. The students were very happy to see them.
This is Mads' niece. The kindergarten children were very happy to see her and all wanted to play with her. We all agreed that she was very good at handling all of the attention and the hundreds of children who wanted to touch her, mainly she just smiled.
Our Christmas dinner! For Christmas one of the Danish families had let us borrow their house (they were in Denmark for Christmas) which had an oven! So, Aske and I spent all of Christmas and the day before making food and it was sooooooo good. We made 3 kinds of cakes, buns
and the dinner itself. It was nice to celebrate Christmas in the best possible way you can in Ethiopia. The woman on the picture is a Dane called Pernille who celebrated Chritsmas with us. It was nice to have a guest, athough there is a long way from the 20+ dinner I'm used to
from the Faroes and just being the three of us. That being said, we had a lot of fun together and a very nice Christmasy Christmas
Here we are dancing around the Christmas tree. I admit that it was a bit strange with only the tree of us, but it has to be done for Christmas! We had borrowed the tree from our family who won't need it until in a week. All of the things on the tree are made by us!:)
Last Saturday we celebrated Aske's birthday with one of the teachers from the school and Pernille. We had baked the cake layers on Christmas and it was so good! We had put jam, banans and homemade cake cream in between the layers and topped it with the Sweet Whip we bought in Addis (which actually wasn't that bad, it tasted a bit like coconut milk or soy milk). It was a very nice and cosy birthday and we had a lot of fun showing the Ethiopian teacher how a birthday was celebrated in Scandinavia.